Monday, November 21, 2011

Winter Gear Is Here (Reminders and Procedures)

Please send your child to school every day with: hat, gloves, snow pants, jacket and boots. Please know that if your child does not have boots, they have to stay on the blacktop during recess and are not allowed to go in the snow or play on the playground. If your child does not have snow pants and boots they are not allowed to go sledding on days noon supervisors take out sleds. Please also ensure your child's hat, gloves, jacket, snow pants and boots all have either your child's last name or their initials written in permanent marker. Many students in the classroom have the same jackets, boots, hats, snow pants or gloves and it makes finding your child's winter gear much easier. Students will bring their winter gear home everyday unless I get a note from you that you would like their snow pants or boots to stay at school. Some families prefer to leave a set of snow pants and boots at school. 

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