Thursday, December 1, 2011

Word Sort Homework for Tonight - Build Sentences

Your child's word sort homework tonight has two parts. 1. Students are expected to take their already cut word sorts and pick 5 words from their pile. Students are expected to write 5 sentences (one sentence per word). Students will use 1 word to write a simple sentence, such as if a child has the word hat they can write... "I have a blue hat." 2. Students are encouraged to pick their favorite sentence and type the sentence below as a comment. It will be fun to read these sentences tomorrow. If you need directions on how to post a comment below please refer to the tab above. When adding your name, I encourage families to just write student's first name. You are welcome to make the word sort word in bold if you like. Students are welcome to write additional sentences using 2+ word sort words and post them on the blog as well. 


Thanks you for commenting! :) Mr. Deris